lang="en-GB"lang="en-GB"UTF-8 There is nothing like a little bit of recognition - Butterfly Classrooms class="post-template-default single single-post postid-508 single-format-standard"csstransition cmsms_responsive cmsms_liquid fixed_header enable_logo_side 100

There is nothing like a little bit of recognition

508class="post-508 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-apps-sites category-g-suite category-technology-teachers tag-experience tag-gafe tag-professional-development tag-resources"
August 23, 2018

We have all heard about positive reinforcement. As a student, I remember thinking, “Who will really fall for this?” However, once I stood in the classroom, I quickly realised, nobody is immune to a bit of recognition.

So when I sat down this afternoon to plan my staff training session for the week, I decided to start off by handing out certificates to all the teachers who have taken the jump and started to use Google Classroom. For it to have any value it must be personalised, a general certificate will have no effect.

Google to the rescue!

Creating personalised documents have never been easier, than with the Google Sheets Add-on, Autocrat.

1.    Create a certificate in google docs.
Anything you want to be personalised must be in <<  >>
2.    Go to sheets and set up a spreadsheet example where each column heading corresponds with the tags.
3.    Click on Add-ons → get Add-on’s → Autocrat
4.    Click Add-on’s again→ launch → new merge job
5.    Choose your certificate created from Drive
6.    Make sure the tags and headers correspond
7.    Decide on how to name your files. For example “$name certificate” will name each file with the person’s name.
8.    Choice the format you want your certificates to be in, either pdf (I find it easier to print) or Docs (better for sharing)
9.    Go (this can take a while)
10.   If you have downloaded Google Drive, you can print multiple documents by selecting up to
15 pdf’s and then print by right clicking.

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