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Reflecting on the exam

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August 23, 2018

I recently did a post on how to use Recap to get the learners to reflect on their exam.  But while I wait for Recap to bring out their Andriod app so that I can employ it in a BYOD classroom, I decide to do something similar using Google Classroom and Sheets. 

At first, I thought about using Google forms to get feedback from the learners. Forms have the advantage that you end up with a lovely spreadsheet with question by question data on every student. The downside is that the learners do not have access to that data. Every time I add technology to my classes, I find that it really forces me to think about what I want. You can only choose the appropriate tool once you have a clear picture in your head of what you want to achieve. Even though I love collecting data, reflecting is more for the learners than it is for me. Teaching 120 learners prevent me from interpreting each learner’s data myself, so I have to set something up that will enable them to interpret the data themselves. (Creating a teaching moment is an added bonus) So I scrapped the forms idea and decided to see what I can do in Sheets. 

Being a maths teacher, I put a lot of value on graphs, so I decided to use Sheets instead of Docs since it makes it easier to get averages and graphs. I combined some leading questions about study behaviour, with a visual representation of their paper and an action plan for the future. 
The Department of Education expect teachers to hang on to the learner’s answer scripts, so I wanted the reflection sheet to guide their study at the end of the year. 

Exam reflection tends to be very subject specific. Certain general questions will apply to all subjects, but you will want to add some questions specific to your subject. 

Click here to get a copy

I shared the Sheet with the learners via Classroom. This has the advantage that I still have access to it. Should a learner be in need of intervention, I can access their sheet, not unlike what Forms would have given me. All I have to do is find the assignment in my Classroom or in the Classroom folder in Drive and click on the specific learner. Not only can I read how they feel about the exam, but I can comment and make suggestions as well. 

Realistically I will not be able to go through and comment on each learners reflection sheet. But if I set my questions up carefully the mere act of answering them would be enough for most students. As a teacher I know who are the “at risk” learners in my classes and I can focus on them. I also think that it can be interesting to use this at parents evening. Just remember to warn learners if you are planning to do that. 

When sharing it through Classroom, there are a few things to remember. Since you want each learner to receive their own copy of the sheet (instead of all working on the same sheet, which would be very embarrassing) you have to create an ASSIGNMENT and change the setting to “CREATE a COPY for EACH LEARNER.

ETA: I convinced a few of my colleagues to try this reflection in their class today and they were all super impressed at how easy it was to get this amount of reflection and information form their learners. We are already throwing ideas around how we can apply a similar idea to other areas of our teaching. 

If you have use it, leave a comment and let me know how you experienced it. 

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