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What’s new at Kahoot?

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August 23, 2018

With only a week left until our exams start, I think it is time to return to one of my favourite apps, Kahoot. For those of you who have not yet tried it, you are surely missing out. Kahoot allows you to quiz games to your lessons with the minimum of fuzz. You can create your own quizzes, or you can use some of the millions of Kahoots created by teachers and students all over the world.
Over the past year or so Kahoot has added some new features that make it even better. Today we are going to look at my top 3 improvements.

But first here are some of my previous posts filled with tips and tricks.

A new format: JUMBLE

You might have realised (and been frustrated) by the fact that Kahoot! only features one type of questions, a multiple choice question. While this is still the most commonly used format for quizzes, Kahoot! has added a new format for games, JUMBLE. While multiple choice questions allow you to test specific misconceptions, jumble will enable you to focus on a different type of knowledge. Instead of choosing the correct answer, you need to put the answers in the proper sequence. This could be ascending, descending, chronological, alphabetical or from most to least important. At first, I thought, well how difficult can this be, but having played a few Jumbles, I am now convinced that this is an excellent method to probe both knowledge and understanding.

Kahoot Challenges

After I played Kahoot with my learners the first time, one of the girls came to me the next day, very disappointed. She went on to Kahoot at home, and she couldn’t play. The new CHALLENGE feature allows you to set Kahoot! as homework.
To set a Kahoot! for homework, just click on CHALLENGE instead of PLAY. You will be asked to set a deadline, by which point the challenge will expire. As with all Kahoots, you will then be given a pin to share with your class.
You can get some step-by-step instructions on the Kahoot blog.

When played as a challenge, the Kahoot is divided into rounds of three questions for learners to complete. At the end of each round, they have the option to go on or attempt to improve their score.

Another bonus of challenges is that learners can see the question and their answers after they are done with it. The focus is very much learning from your mistakes.

Just note that unlike regular Kahoots that can be played in the web browser, to take part in a challenge, learners must have the app downloaded on their phone or tablet.

Kahoots by Kahoot

A third improvement that they added was to create a collection of high-quality Kahoots, created by approved teachers. If you have been using some of the millions of Kahoots that are available, you will know that you need to vet them very carefully. There are lots of Kahoots that consist of only one or two questions or have incorrect answers.
Now you can search through the collections, save in the knowledge that you will not have to redo the whole quiz.

So with the exam around the corner and revision the name of the game, this is the perfect time to try out some of these new features.

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