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Google Classroom: Starting with a clean slate

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December 17, 2017

It is January, you have just returned from spending lots of family time, and for South African teachers, you are getting ready for the new year. Preparing for the new year means different things to different people, maybe you spend a day getting rid of the dust in your class or you plan your year, or you create a fresh new project. But if you are using Google Classroom, you should add Archiving your Classes to your to-do list.

Why should you Archive Google Classroom classes?

Just like you do not want to start your year with a messy desk, you do not wish Classroom cluttered with last year’s classes. If if you think it does not bother you, spare a thought for the learners. They have 10-15 classes in Classroom every year that accumulate quickly if you do not clean it up.

When you archive your classes, it automatically removes it from the current classes for all your learners, so they also start the year with a clean slate. If you don’t, it just ends up confusing. Just imagine, you are sure you posted yesterday’s homework, but the learners are just as convinced they never received it. Oops, you posted it in last years class.

What does it mean when you Archive your Classes?

You might have noticed by now that Google is not big on deleting. There is actually no way to remove a class once you have created it. (This is a pain for somebody like me who have created hundreds of classes for training purposes.) You only have the option to archive it.
When you archive a class, it moves from your ‘Classes’ to ‘Archived Classes’ both for you and for your learners. It also freezes the class. Nothing can be added, deleted or commented on. But both you and your learners can still access everything that was posted in the class.
It is important to note that none of the documents attached to the class will be deleted. If you go to the linked folder in Google Drive, you will see all the files you posted as well as all the assignments learners have handed in. You could leave them Classroom folder, but do the maths. If you have five classes a year and post 100 assignments in a class, Classroom creates over 500 folders, most of which are empty. Usually I only really want to keep one or two folders from each class. (the ones that either brilliant or for marks) And I have all my originals in a separate folder, the rest I delete. A good habit to get into is to delete unnecessary folders in Classroom throughout the year. This way it is easier to find the things you want to keep at the end of the year

How to archive a class?

  • Open Classroom on the screen where you see all the classes as tiles.

Archive Google Classroom

  • Click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner. Archive the class.
  • Click on the quick menu – the hotdog in the top left-hand corner and scroll down until you find Archived Classes

Google Classroom

  • Go to Google Drive and find the CLASSROOM folder.
  • Decide which assignments you would like to keep and delete the rest of the folders.
  • Create a folder within the Classroom folder named – Archive 2017 – and drag all the 2017 classes into that folder.
  • Your Classroom folder should be empty except for the Archive 2017 folder and your Classroom-desktop should be empty as well.
  • Now you have a clean slate to start the new year.

Remember to sign up for my FREE Getting Started with Google Classroom course for more tips and how-tos like this.

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