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Keeping track of homework with Google Forms

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August 26, 2018

Keeping track of homework is one of my least favourite things. Not only does it waste time, but I keep losing the page. But we all know it must be done. If nobody ever checks if you did your work, what is the chance that you will do it? And if you waste precious teaching time to check homework, you want to keep a record of it.

Last year I decided to use Google Forms to streamline my record keeping. And I was surprised at how much better it was working. At parents evening parents are also very impressed when I can provide them with a graph showing exactly how often their precious angel did not do their homework. Here are step-by-step instructions to create your own HOMEWORK FORM.

Step 1 – Create a class list in Google Classroom

I should not have to tell you to do this. If you do not have a list in Excel/Sheets of all your classes you have a bigger problem than keeping track of homework. If you are using Google Classroom, you can download a class list with just one click. Select all the names and copy them.

Step 2 – Create a folder in Google Drive

Go to Google Drive and create a folder for your homework forms and their responses. It is essential to decide where you are going to save something before you even create it.

Step 3 – Create a form

Create a form and remember to change the name of the form. Add your first question, date. Forms should automatically change the type of question, to a date question.

Step 4 – Add a checkbox grid

  • Add a new question and change it to a “checkbox grid.”
  • Click on the first row and paste the names that you copied in Step 1.
  • Change the first column to “DONE” and the second to “NOT DONE.”
  • You can add more options, but try to keep it as simple as possible.

Step 5 – Customize the homework form

Change the pallet of the form by adding a nice picture header. If you are going to have more than one similar form, it is always nice if they are different colours.

Step 6 – Start logging your homework

You can now keep track of who completed their homework with a few simple taps. The best part is that you can do it just as easily on your phone as on your computer.

Just click on Responses to see who is doing their homework.

For more detailed results, link the form to a spreadsheet.

If are still slightly lost, don’t worry this short video clip shows you exactly how to create your homework form.


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