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As a teacher, I think learning more efficiently should be a top priority. To share knowledge, information and experience are why I became a teacher. So when I became involved with ICT integration and eLearning, it was natural to share those experiences as well. Butterfly Classroom is jam-packed with ideas (even the ones that did not work so well), lesson plans and other information that will help you to transform your classroom into the 21st century. Not only will you find ideas and advice but you will also stay up to date with the newest development and research about eLearning and get my opinion about the best apps and websites for your classroom.

Butterfly Classroom’s Vision

Learn, create and share ideas for integrating technology and teaching in the 21st century.

Our Mission

Our mission at Butterfly Classrooms is to inspire and empower teachers and school administrators to integrate technology in a pedagogically sound way into their school and classroom.

We accomplish that by:

  • Providing a platform where teachers can share ideas
  • Training sessions that inspire teachers to teach for a new generation
  • Provide pedagogically sound interactive resources that are in line with CAPS.
  • Consulting with school administrations on ICT integration policies.

Sign up for the Butterfly Classroom Newsletter that is all about learning more efficiently. You will receive a part of my Beginners Guide to Technology Integration where I provide you with 5 steps that any teacher can take immediately to put you on the track to a Butterfly Classroom.

Who am I?

I am first and foremost a maths teacher, who by chance got involved with helping my colleagues with integrating technology into our classrooms. Our main aim: Learning more efficiently! In the 12 years, I have been teaching I have gone from using nothing but chalk and a blackboard to teaching a full on 1-to-1 classroom.

Butterfly Classrooms is written by teachers, for teachers about teachers. It doesn’t matter what subject you teach or if you even know how to turn on a computer, you will find something for you. But if you expect Butterfly Classrooms to be all about technology you would be surprised. When Donald A Norman said,

“I am not a fan of technology. I am a fan of pedagogy, of understanding how people learn and the most effective learning methods. But technology gives you some exciting options.”

he could have been describing Butterfly Classrooms. We might talk a lot about technology, but in the end, it is all about how people can learn more efficiently. When creating Butterfly Classrooms, it was important to me that it is not a tech blog. So often schools lose the plot because all the focus is on the use of technology and not on improved teaching. Just as a butterfly is so much more than a caterpillar with wings stuck to it, our aim when we use technology in the class should be so much more than just adding tablets to our teaching practices. The focus should be on adapting to the world we live in and to prepare learners better for the world they will occupy, not only ticking the box that says “Use technology in class.”

So if you are a teacher and always looking for ways to make your classes better and learning more efficient, you will feel right at home. You will find lots of advice, inspiration, best practices and even templates that you can use, from my FREE 10 day Getting Started with Google Classroom starter pack to a series about mindfulness and handling distractions. I also provide useful tips and advice to both parents and teachers on how to manage the use of devices and screen time.

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