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Archive for category: G-Suite

6 Computer hacks every teacher should know

6 Computer hacks every teacher should know

Have you ever watched when somebody press a few keys on the computer and magic happens? They did something that you didn’t even know could be done, and they did it so quickly, it was like a slight of hand. Magical. The worst is, like magic tricks, nobody ever tells you how to do it. Well, today I am sharing six computer hacks teachers should know and use.

How to create a Google Form

How to create a Google Form

I don't say this easily, but Google Forms changed my life. Since I came across Forms 3 years ago, it has saved me hours and has taken the sting out of a lot of admin tasks. Over the past four years, I have introduced hundreds of colleagues to the magic of Google Forms. Here are my step-by-step instructions to not only create a form but to make a quiz that gets marked automatically.

Google Drive: Teachers Working Together

Google Drive: Teachers Working Together

Four years ago our maths department created a shared Google folder for all our resources. Today we have the most fantastic collection of maths resources, suited to our needs, right at our fingertips. Since we started, this Google has introduced Team Drives which make it even easier and better. A Team Drive is a must-have for every department.

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