A lot of people want to see technology as the silver bullet that will solve all the problems in education. Especially considering the dire straights education in South Africa in general, is in at the moment, it is understandable that people would grasp any straw that might solve the problem.
However technology is no silver bullet. To tell the truth I do not think technology will have any effect on the results of a well functioning school. And it seems like a lot of teachers feel the same.
We asked, you answered. Here are the results from our poll on the impact of tech in the classroom. #GoogleEdu pic.twitter.com/MTfftHchD4
— Google For Education (@GoogleForEdu) December 28, 2015
So why take the trouble to include technology, if it will have not result?
Anybody who are involved in teaching will tell you that test results only measure a small part of learning and that a good education is about a lot more than how many facts you can remember. Technology effect all these other aspects of the classroom a lot more than the results. So even though you might still get the same results, your learners get a better education.
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