lang="en-GB"lang="en-GB"UTF-8 Kickstart Google Classroom - Butterfly Classrooms class="post-template-default single single-post postid-1780 single-format-standard"csstransition cmsms_responsive cmsms_liquid fixed_header enable_logo_side 100
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January 16, 2019

Are you : –

  • Wondering what the fuss about Google Classroom is all about?

  • Suppose to be starting Google Classroom in the new year, but you feel completely lost?

  • Loving Google Classroom, but you know you can get more out of it?


The Solution

When you sign up for Kickstart Google Classroom you will receive an email with a simple task every day for two weeks. Depending on your computer skills and how many classes you have it will take you 5 to 10 minutes to complete your daily task. This way you can complete each task before you move on to the next one. Don’t worry if you can’t remember how to do anything. I will include step-by-step instructions for each task and even add a video or two where it is needed.

Tasks includes :-

  • Create classes and invite students quickly and effectively.
  • Create and use topics effectively
  • Simplify your life by using drafts and scheduling posts for the future.
  • Save time by posting the same thing to multiple classes.
  • Manage your notifications.
  • Reorganise you Classroom stream

Over the last three years, I have learned that the only way you really learn how to use something is when you are actually doing the work. So I have decided to time Kickstart Google Classroom so that it coincides with the start of the school year. This way you get a little help in starting the year the right way, while you are learning new things.

Not only will I tell you what to do to get started, but I will also share some tips, best practices and shortcuts to make life easier. So even those of you who have been using Google Classroom for a while will learn something new.

After the success of the first group that signed up, I have now converted to course to be running constantly. When you sign up, you will receive the first email at the start of the next week.

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