I am always looking for ways that teachers can save time. Sometimes it is big things, and sometimes like today, it is in small things.
Whenever I invigilate exams, I always read the questions and see what I would make of it. I especially love to challenge myself to make something of the creative essays. But more often than not, the topics are so predictable. So I asked one of my colleagues that always set interesting questions, where she gets her inspiration.
She introduced me to a Twitter account @itssixwordstory.
They tweet, well a story in six words. And often it is the perfect prompt for an essay.
“I’m pathetically in love with you.”— Six Word story (@itssixwordstory) April 13, 2017
“I’ve a crush on a stranger.”— Six Word story (@itssixwordstory) April 12, 2017
Sometimes you only get one chance.— Six Word story (@itssixwordstory) April 11, 2017
“It’s a war in my mind.”— Six Word story (@itssixwordstory) April 7, 2017
“We are memories yet to be.”— Six Word story (@itssixwordstory) April 6, 2017
“I used to be so stupid.”— Six Word story (@itssixwordstory) March 31, 2017
I think you can even take this a step further. Next time your kids have to write a creative essay for practice, don’t give them a topic but ask them to go to the Twitter account and choose a tweet to act as their inspiration.
One of the things technology allows us to do is differentiate. We do not all find the same things inspiring; we do not all have the same experiences, why should all the learners write about the same thing.
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