27DecemberJune 2, 2018 2017 – The best from Butterfly Classrooms by Renate Rin Technology in the classroomTags Blended Learning, Classroom management, Gamefication, Professional development01
22AprilAugust 23, 2018 Examples of bringing play into your classroom by Renate Rin Classroom activities, Technology for Teachers, Technology in the classroomTags Blended Learning, Gamefication, Immediate feedback, Kahoot!, Professional development, Top Tips20
14SeptemberAugust 23, 2018 How much is too much? by Renate Rin Classroom management, Technology for Teachers, Technology in the classroomTags Blended Learning, Gamefication, Kahoot!, reflections, Youtube00
31JulyAugust 23, 2018 Doing Kahoot! old school style. In the last 3 weeks, I have done multiple training sessions on Kahooting. You might say it is my current... by Renate Rin Classroom activities, Digital Learning ToolsTags 21st century skills, Gamefication, Kahoot!, Professional development, Top Tips20
22MayAugust 23, 2018 Planning games into your lesson. In the past two weeks, I have spend a bit of time using Kahoot! in my classes. The kids love... by Renate Rin Technology for Teachers, Technology in the classroomTags assessment, experience, Gamefication, Lesson plans, Mathematics00
5MaySeptember 4, 2017 Open Educational Resources (OER’s) You might be familiar with the Open Source movement; you might even be using Open Office or Linux software. Open... by Renate Rin Technology in the classroomTags Blended Learning, Gamefication, Mathematics, resources00