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Archive for tag: GAFE

Google Classroom: 6 ways to get started

Google Classroom: 6 ways to get started

It is that time of the year, schools are doing their planning for next year, and you might have just realised that you will be expected to use Google Classroom next year. eLearning is exciting, very exciting, but it can also seem like a huge mountain that you have no idea how you are going to scale. But don't worry here are six easy steps that will get you going.

5 Reasons why every teacher should try an InstaWorksheet.

5 Reasons why every teacher should try an InstaWorksheet.

A typical lesson starts with the teacher providing the questions and learners answering them. Why not mix that up and give your learners a blank sheet and ask them to set up the questions for each other? An Instaworksheet on Google Slides is the ideal tool to make that happen.

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